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Common Question On E-Learning

What is e learning and its benefits?

Learning with the help of electronic media is called e learning. It is very cost-effective and the users can access content from anywhere at any anytime.

Why do we need E learning?

E learning is a more effective way of providing training or to educate the learners as it is quick and easy way to reach a lot of learners and not restricted to specific radius.

How e-learning is helpful for students?

Through e-learning, students can learn at the comfort from their own places. They can also learn at any preferred timings. This helps them to organize the timing and can make more out the day.

What are the types of E learning?

  • Lesson-based learning
  • One-on-one learning
  • Group learning
  • Course-based learning
  • Video-based learning
  • Article-based learning
  • Self-paced learning
  • App-based learning
  • Game and activity-based learning
  • "Lesson a day" learning

Why e learning is much effective?

It is more effective than traditional learning methods because it enables student to learn more, allow good work-study balance and it minimize the co2 emissions to the environment by reducing travel and require less energy than traditional method.

What are main components of e-learning?

People, Technology, and services are the main components in e learning, where technology support to integrate content enable communication and offer collaboration tools.

What are important features of e learning?

  1. Web based support
  2. Presence of various learning tools
  3. Online Course catalogs
  4. Customized reporting
  5. Self-enrollment
  6. An effective LMS for testaments
  7. Best User interface
  8. Anytime access to online notes
  9. Quick and easy assessment
  10. Affirmative online support

What is e learning college?

E-learning colleges offers distance education for the students who can’t present physically at college. It issues massive open online courses, large scale participation, and allows world-wide access.

What are the best apps for e learning?

Here are the top 5 apps for e learning.

  • Skill Pill.
  • Moodle Mobile.
  • Blackboard Collaborate Mobile.
  • Edu creations Interactive Whiteboard.
  • com
  • Apple Keynote

What features are must in e learning websites?

All online learning platform should provide access to word documents, pdfs, audio& video files, face to face courses, student information management system, Course creation module, certificate tracking facility, Forums and webinars, payment gateway, dashboard, include gaming features and video conferencing.


Which are the best e learning platforms?

  • Instant Training
  • Eliademy
  • Khan Academy
  • Connect Yard
  • College mapper
  • Open Sesame
  • Canva
  • Brightbytes

Where can I find the best e learning logo designing ideas?

You can find the best e learning logo ideas from Pinterest, 99 designs, and from other logo generator websites.

Is e learning being effective in India?

In India, there are 370 million internet users where it expected to have 500+ internet users in future as internet are now accessible for rural too. India is now targeting the people with poor income and between 15 to 40 age groups to stimulate the online learning growth.

What are the advantages of e learning?

Due to its flexibility and conveniency, the students working part time and full- time employees taking more advantages of this as it allows them to learn from anywhere and at anytime also the cost is very less compared to other traditional learning.  

What is virtual learning platform?

Virtual Learning platform is a web-based platform for digital aspects of course of study for educational institutes. They provide resources, activities and interaction with the course structure and provide assessments.

What are the best e learning tools?

  • Trello
  • Google Drive
  • Momentum
  • Google calendar
  • Mural
  • Just press record
  • Tomato timer

How does e learning tools help online learning platform?

It is also known as authoring tools are used to create digital learning content and it is mostly used by L&D teams to create training materials for their employees.


What is LinkedIn e learning?

This is the American website offering video courses by industry experts in software, creative and business skills. This is actually the subsidiary of LinkedIn.

What are the disadvantages of e learning?

E learning has both pros and cons. Here are some disadvantages of e learning.

  1. E learning cause social isolation
  2. Need time management
  3. Requires self-motivation
  4. Lack of communication skills
  5. E-learning limited to certain disciplines
  6. Cheat management is complicated
  7. Lack of quality assurance
  8. No face-to-face communication
  9. E learning focus on theory rather than practice
  10. Can’t get valid student feedback


How e learning the best education?

Since this pandemic emerged, e learning is considered to be the boom for education as everyone spend most of the time at home. This digital learning enables fast delivery of the lessons and long-time remembrance of the subject because of the recorded audio.  


How to create E learning Platform?

First, decide your preferences and concept

Gather all training or course materials

Sort out the topic list

Choose best look and feel

Assemble your course contents

Approach web developing firm to implement your ideas in real time.

How much does it cost to develop e learning platform?

Approximate cost for developing online e learning platform ranges from $15,000 to $ 20,000. Actually, the cost varies according to your needs or some factors.

What are the factors that determine the cost of E learning platform?

  1. Content creation
  2. Learning Management System
  3. App Development
  4. Video Hosting
  5. Development Model
  6. Project Duration
  7. Maintenance
  8. Team size 
  9. Complexity


Why does there comes a problem while marketing e learning platform?

eLearning requires good team and highly skilled educators who develop excellent content which is more crucial for e learning platform. And it is hard to get users for new platform due to high competition.

What are the best eLearning platforms in 2021?

Coursera, LinkedIn, Udemy, Skillshare, Udacity, and edx are the most popular eLearning platform of 2021.

What is process taken place within eLearning platform?

eLearning allows complete control of administration and interaction with users, tutors, educators and content management team. It also let you to communicate with the other learners to enhance your skills.

How mush does it cost to build education website in India?

In India, costs for building a educational website with 10 pages is INR 15,000. Costs increases with pages.


What is the full form of eLearning?

eLearning refers to Electronic Learning, educating through digital medium such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones that are connected to the internet.

Is eLearning the future of education?

The internet has changed the way of learning drastically by laying the digital platform for education. This is actually the big revolution in education sector. Undoubtfully, eLearning going to catchup its own identity in coming years.

What is the future of eLearning in India?

Due to this Pandemic outbreak, the whole country as well as global have faced the great mess in education sectors as students and teachers left with no option to educate. Here where the online learning system emerges and gives the helping hands to educational Institutions to continue their service. It is going to be the rollercoaster in upcoming days.

What are Five Phases in e Learning?

Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate are the five-learning cycle in E learning.

Will eLearning be graded?

Yes, there is also a set of assessments conducted by the teachers and graded accordingly along with the feedback to improve students learning.


How much do E learning developer will make?

The average salary for e learning developers in India is INR 25,253 per month or 7,12,284 per year.

Can eLearning be a substitute for Classroom Learning?

Yes, eLearning can be a substitute for classroom Learning as it delivers the lessons at faster rate and saves the time and money for both Institutes and Students.

Why eLearning is not effective?

  1. Difficult to adapt new learning environment
  2. Course is too difficult or too easy
  3. Technical issues
  4. Poor time management and self-motivation
  5. More Flexibility
  6. Lack of Face-to-Face interaction
  7. Too much chunky information
  8. Lack of physical activity
  9. Poor Student nurture.
  10. Less direct Guidance.

What is the definition of eLearning?

The system of eLearning is created so as to enable teaching using the means of electronic resources.

Why eLearning is better?

Online learning is deemed as an effective mode of learning for the students as it makes use of varied multimedia content so as to enable the students to understand the concept in an impressive manner virtually.

How will eLearning work?

eLearning is used through the following tools:

  • CD-ROM
  • Network
  • Intranet
  • Internet
  • text
  • Audio
  • Animation
  • Virtual setting
  • How eLearning saves time?

    eLearning enables the process of learning to be conducted in any platform over any time. Due to the lack of physical location, there is no requirement to set a specific time. Students can learn at their own pace.

    Which are the best online teaching platforms?

  • Udemy
  • Teachable
  • Learnworlds
  • Skillshare
  • Testbook
  • What is an eLearning college?

    An eLearning college might offer the educational content through the means of CDs, DVDs, telecourses, online tutorials, webcasts, podcasts, text lectures etc.

    How eLearning is useful?

  • Quick content delivery
  • Saves money and time
  • Better power of retention due to the visual tools
  • Consistent source of knowledge
  • Scalable
  • How eLearning saves time and money?

    It has been found in a research that pursuing education through online modes have resulted in saving almost 40% to 60% of time and money.

    Is eLearning beneficial for students?

    Yes, eLearning is highly beneficial for students in the following manner:

  • Caters all the students needs
  • Lectures can be seen infinite time
  • Latest content can be used
  • Quick lessons
  • Consistency
  • Reduced costs
  • Why eLearning is killing education?

    eLearning is said to killing education as they require strong level of time management skills and self-motivation. Lack of this might lead to cheating and no proper knowledge gets embedded.

    How eLearning is the future of education in India?

    It has been predicted that around $1.96 billion will be used for eLearning by the end of 2021which in turn provides a lot of scope for the progress of it in India. The pandemic has made a lot more institutions get dependent on it.

    What are eLearning apps?

  • Meritnation
  • Byjus
  • myCBSEGuide
  • Vedantu
  • Vidyakul
  • Toppr
  • Doubtnut
  • Khan Academy
  • How many eLearning days are allowed in Indiana?

    There are no limits or restrictions on the number of eLearning days.

    What are the pros and cons to eLearning?


  • Flexible classes
  • Multiple number of lectures and revisions
  • Geographical freedom
  • Consistent
  • Affordable
  • CONS:

  • Needs self-discipline
  • Requires time management skills
  • Limited interaction
  • Impersonal
  • Limited opportunities for networking
  • Can eLearning detect cheating?

    Yes, there are digitally advanced tools like online cameras to proctor the process of online exams.

    Which eLearning portal is the best?

  • Coursera
  • Skillshare
  • Lynda.com
  • Udacity
  • Udemy
  • edX
  • How eLearning has benefited the society?

    eLearning has bridged the gap in the process of learning and has enabled people from different backgrounds to avail quality education.

    Will eLearning replace traditional learning?

    Not in the near future. Although eLearning might seems as a convenient option, it cannot fully replace traditional learning as not all places are fully developed to par take eLearning totally.

    Which online course platform is best?

  • LinkdIn
  • Khan Academy
  • Skillshare
  • Coursera
  • Udemy
  • Udacity
  • Skillsoft
  • What are the best eLearning platforms for education?

  • Edx
  • Pluralsight
  • Future Learn
  • Moodle
  • Why eLearning is preferred?

    Due to its convenience of time, place and budget, eLearning is a highly preferred choice of education.

    How eLearning works?

    eLearning works with the tools online modes like computer, internet, CD, DVD, audio and visual elements etc.

    Why we need eLearning?

    eLearning is required to progress the trait of academics and grow it further. eLearning enables the user to bridge the gap between the academic period, enabling them to access quality education.

    How will eLearning improve the way of work?

    eLearning will improve the work culture as it enables an individual to access knowledge anytime and anywhere. It also makes them understand the current industry trend and learn and grow accordingly.

    How much do eLearning developers make?

    eLearning developers earn on an average ₹ 7,13,141

    Why eLearning was introduced?

    eLearning was introduced to bridge the gap in learning and advance the process of education to cater the needs of the present generation.

    Which countries highly uses eLearning?

  • United States
  • India
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Who started eLearning?

    Researcher and Educator Elliot Masie began eLearning.

    What are eLearning courses?

    Courses which are conducted using online modes like Internet, laptop, CD, video and animation are known as eLearning courses.

    Why eLearning is important?

    eLearning is vital as it increases the rate of knowledge and education in a country and also makes the process of learning accessible and fun.

    Which state in India is backward in eLearning?

    Bihar is not yet completely accustomed to the learning process.

    How eLearning can be improved?

    eLearning can be improved in the following manner:

  • Make the process simple
  • Select the correct color
  • Have easy navigation
  • Includes games
  • Be social and interactive
  • Is eLearning better than traditional learning?

    eLearning offers the freedom of space and time while traditional learning provides the perk of connection for future growth.

    How much to charge for eLearning?

    The cost might vary from University to University. But most programs typically cost $200 to $900.

    How to benefit from eLearning?

  • Prepare a proper schedule
  • Manage your resources properly
  • Conduct mock tests and revisions regularly
  • Why eLearning is not effective?

    The limited amount of dedication and the high levels of distraction often lead to easy coping mechanism, making eLearning less effective.

    Is eLearning costlier than traditional learning?

    No, eLearning is often cheaper when compared to traditional learning.

    How much is eLearning?

    There are many online sources of eLearnign which offers free courses. But most of the courses might have an average of $15 to 15,000.

    Can eLearning be a substitute for classroom learning?

    Through online portals like Google classroom, eLearning can also be regarded as a substitute for classroom learning.

    When will eLearning end?

    eLearning has a very prospective growth. Thus, it might not end in the near future.

    What are the benefits of eLearning?

  • Cost effective
  • No location barrier
  • No time barrier
  • Latest updated resources
  • Multiple revisions.
  • Is eLearning AI?

    Yes, eLearning has many elements dependent upon AI as it uses machine learning.

    Is eLearning the future of education?

    Yes, the benefits of eLearning has indeed made it as the future of academics and education in general.

    What are the drawbacks of eLearning?

  • No deep knowledge
  • Easy to lose seriousness
  • Require technology aid
  • Which colleges in India offer eLearning courses?

  • Symbiosis Centre of Distance Learning
  • Sikkim Manipal University
  • IMT
  • Netaji Subhas Open University
  • Is eLearning valued for jobs?

    Not always when taken professionally at all places. But eLearning indeed increases the credits of the person as it shows their eagerness to learn and grow.

    Can anyone teach eLearning courses?

    Yes, with the use of right devices and technological knowledge, anyone can teach online courses.

    Which are the best courses to learn through eLearning?

  • Information Technology
  • Digital Marketing
  • Photography
  • Psychology
  • Communication
  • Accounting
  • Arts
  • Which country began the process of eLearning?

    The process of eLearning began in USA at the University of Illinois.

    When was eLearning introduced first?

    eLearning was first introduced in 1999 by Researcher and Educator Elliot Masie.

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