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LinkedIn is a website specifically established for professionals all around the world to network. The website allows mass to search for business contacts, manage their professional identity, research firms, join industry groups and identify desired career opportunities.

The site is also used by brands and recruitment agencies, and many company profiles are created on LinkedIn to recruit candidates online and build a pool of potential candidates. Despite increased competition in the Internet space, LinkedIn has stood the test of time since its founding in 2003.LinkedIn was co-founded by Reed Hoffman, former VP of Business and Corporate Development at PayPal.It is Launched in May 2003, the site currently has over 830 million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. also with over 58 million registered companies, representing 170 industries. According to Reid Hoffman, 27% of LinkedIn followers are recruiters.

The LinkedIn infrastructure relies on a strong corporate culture as the foundation for success. LinkedIn and its employees are committed to making a long-term positive impact. LinkedIn wants to make a positive impact on the career progression of its employees. The purpose of this site is to give registered members the opportunity to build and document a network of people they know and trust professionally. LinkedIn member profile pages that highlight skills, work experience, and education have a dedicated web feed and a limited set of custom modules. Actually, usual LinkedIn membership is free. The members of the network are called "connections". Unlike other free social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn requires a connection to maintain an existing relationship.

Even the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even the greatest Tiktok's latest objects have revoked many inks on the value of advertising on social media platforms. After all, these are the biggest online forum for social advertising and potential customers. It is true that B2C companies are an excellent commitment source for customers.

What about marketing for Business to Business companies? The target group is much busier than a person's annual income and more likely to spend the company's money. LinkedIn is still the most prominent advertising platform for high profile decision makers, and even for B2C targeting the wealthy, it should not be overlooked in the professional network marketing mix. Lead generation through LinkedIn has become a successful strategy for many companies.


Features of LinkedIn

LinkedIn users are busy. They are implementing improvements and new features at an unprecedented rate. Keeping track of these opportunities is critical to understanding your personal online brand. If you want to promote your profile, you need to follow some LinkedIn update features.

  • Background
  • Profile Rank
  • LinkedIn Publishing Platforms
  • LinkedIn Connected Applications
  • Who has viewed your Profile


Background:- It's already available to premium members, and LinkedIn is now rolling out this feature to all members. You can upload a custom background to your profile header to clearly convey the essence of your personal brand.


Profile Rank:-  LinkedIn now shows you how to rank your contacts based on total profile views. This indicates that it includes "professionals like you", "employees of your company", and "top-level connections". This can assist you to understand who is most interested in your network and can give you insight into how you compare your network connections to those of colleagues or competitors. It also gives you a reason to reach out to people in your network by noting your rank.


LinkedIn Publishing Platforms:-  The ability to post content on LinkedIn has been made available to all members. You no longer need to be an official LinkedIn influencer to view your content.By accessing this feature, you will be able to create and post long content in addition to short status updates.

All you have to do is Just click the edit icon in the "Share Updates" box on the main page. When you click the mouse over it, you will see “create a post,” and LinkedIn will guide you from there. Your post will appear on your profile. Relevant high-quality posts are organically shared through feedback such as views, likes, comments, and shares.


LinkedIn Connected Applications:- The new Connected app simplifies networking and helps you stay connected to your contacts when they matter most such as  Promotions, new tasks, receiving news, task notifications, birthdays, and more. According to LinkedIn, members who use the app can expect a 6x increase in profile views and a 7x increase in approvals than the members who don't use it.


Who has viewed your Profile:- This is now one of the more advanced features of LinkedIn as it allows you to get valuable demographic data about the people who visit you. You can find the search terms they used to find you, how they found you, where you came from, your position, your industry, and the companies you worked for. You can also see the number of viewers by date. This will help you measure the impact of your message. LinkedIn also shows a subset of the profiles of the people who come to see your profile.

  1. LinkedIn for Students

    LinkedIn is one of the world's largest networks for new professionals. This increases people's productivity, improves their chances of success, and gives companies a new dimension in recruiting and marketing. Many students mistakenly believe that LinkedIn will not help during the school year. This only applies to professionals. But it is not like that.

    LinkedIn is a social network. We help students develop as individuals and build strong networks to make their dreams a reality and a reality for the future. LinkedIn Job Search is a very important and powerful tool for recruiters to find candidates. Students don't have to follow the traditional hiring method of sending their resume to a company and twisting their fingers until a recruiter calls or running through the door to an interview to follow their luck.With LinkedIn, students have the right job right at their doorstep. Employers find suitable candidates and approach them on their behalf.

  1. Why people are using LinkedIn for Marketing Purposes

    LinkedIn offers thinkers and companies a great opportunity to expand their networks and increase their profiles. The platform currently has over 830 million users and is expected to continue to grow. But the sheer number of users doesn't make LinkedIn marketing so compelling. Some of the unique benefits of this professional platform are:


    Connect with your right audience: Many companies are already using LinkedIn, making it ideal for Business to Business communications that other social networks cannot provide. You can also use LinkedIn to connect with relevant experts and companies in your niche.


    You can Manage your online reputation with LinkedIn: The first rule of thumb for online reputation management is to control all the results that appear on the first page of Google search results when someone searches for your business name.


    Use LinkedIn as a Publishing Platform: LinkedIn is the only social network available as an article posting platform. Publishing articles on LinkedIn is not about driving specific traffic to your site, but about stimulating social activity and increasing brand awareness on LinkedIn. Every time you post an article on LinkedIn, a notification is sent to all of your contacts. This is a big plus.


     LinkedIn as a Market Tool

    This kinda social media allows members to communicate professionally, post and search for job openings, ask and answer questions, and build leadership positions. For a marketer, LinkedIn is one of the most effective places on the internet to connect with decision-makers in target markets who may need your product or service. Goals are always striking and valuable. It's not about selling. it is also used to Educate and provide useful information.it is used for:

    • Drive traffic to your business website or blog by sharing your content
    • Create new business connections or maintain existing business relationships.

    Create a brand awareness

  1. Ways that you can use  LinkedIn as a Marketing Tool:

     LinkedIn Ads: Self-service advertising on LinkedIn is an effective way to increase your company's visibility, share useful and relevant information, build relationships, and generate quality leads. They pay per click and focus on reaching a specific position, function, tenure, or company of a specific industry and company size. To create an ad, first, write a title, add text, and then create a targeted link. Then bet that you will pay if someone clicks on your ad. The important thing to remember is that people read your content and ignore ads. Design your ads in a way that will benefit your target audience. For example, links to helpful blog posts, white papers, e-books, videos, and more on your site.


    Make sure your profile is up to date and complete: The first thing many people do when they accept your connection request is to check your profile. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is always up to date and complete. Use high-quality photos that look professional. Describe what you do, who you help, and how you can help.


    Focus on building connections: The more connections you have, the more likely you are to connect with your target audience. Focus on the depth and breadth of your network and keep expanding your connections. Increase connections by :

    • Invite them via invitation letters - Be sure to personalize all connection requests and invitations to increase the likelihood that your connection will be accepted.
    • Include InMail-InMail allows you to send direct messages to LinkedIn members whether they are connected or not. InMail response rates are usually high if you have a good reason to contact us. It shouldn't just be an advertisement.


    Create a LinkedIn Company Page: Business Pages are becoming increasingly very important on LinkedIn and are a tremendous way to showcase your company, the products, and services you offer, and share relevant and useful information with your followers. Each employee's profile also shows where they work. Anyone linking to an employee's profile can click on the company name and view the company page.  It is a great way to extend the commercial scope.


    Post useful links using status updates: Regularly posting useful and up-to-date information on your personal profile and company pages are a great way to position yourself in the minds of those you interact with as a thought leader and industry leader. You can also showcase your company's skills, personality, and work to other clients. But avoid promotional offers. or else, provide interesting and useful information. Sharing other people's articles and adding mustard to each thread is also a great way to take advantage of status updates. Engage with the LinkedIn community. The best way to do this is to create regular content and updates. Ultimately, it's about building relationships and building trust and authority.


    Create and Join LinkedIn Groups: LinkedIn groups give experts the opportunity to share content, find answers, post/view work, build business relationships, and establish themselves as experts in their industry. LinkedIn has a group directory of nearly 2 million groups. Join multiple LinkedIn groups. The best way to reach your target audience is to join the group they belong to and then actively interact with the members of the group. You can also create your own LinkedIn group and act as a group moderator.


    Must follow other company pages: Connecting with partners, customers, and potential customers by following, commenting, liking, and sharing updates on their pages is a great way to get potential customers interested in your business.

  1. Advantages of LinkedIn

    Extend your professional network: LinkedIn is a social media platform that connects recruiters with their dream job seekers. Linkedin permits recruiters to look for ability personnel primarily based totally on particular standards together with process identify organization length or location. LinkedIn also offers a range of tools and features to help job seekers improve their skills and find jobs. LinkedIn offers online courses that anyone can take to learn new skills or improve existing ones. LinkedIn has a job board where you can search and apply for jobs.


    Get new skills and find a job: As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn offers online courses where you can learn new skills or improve existing ones. LinkedIn has a job board where you can search and apply for jobs. These capabilities make LinkedIn a splendid aid for job seekers. With good marketing, freelancers can also find short or long-term jobs by honing their skills and building relationships through job postings or interactions.


    Encouraging Business Marketing Efforts:  LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful business method that helps businesses connect with possible customers through leads and groups. Sales Navigator allows your company to search for potential customers based on specific criteria such as job title, company size, or location. LinkedIn also offers many tools and features to help businesses improve their marketing efforts.


    Free search on targets of niche and population statistics: LinkedIn provides companies with useful and important data about their target audience. LinkedIn gives information that businesses can use to better understand their customers, which they can use to persuade more customers or enhance their professional reputation. LinkedIn also permits businesses to create targeted ads that generate new leads. LinkedIn's targeting options allow your business to target audiences based on job title, company size, or location. In this way, companies can make their advertisements visible to people who may be interested in the products they offer. If you have a Business Premium account, even more tools are available to you.


    Gain Trust Fast: When you create your LinkedIn profile, you will be asked to list your skills and references. Skills are your ability to do something, while Recommendations are the ratings of other LinkedIn users who support your skills. By sharing your experiences and getting support from others, you can quickly build trust. LinkedIn also offers a number of ways to increase your exposure, such as sharing articles, blog posts, or other content.

  1. Disadvantages of LinkedIn

    High cost for premium subscriptions: One downside of LinkedIn is its expensive premium plans. This social platform offers three premium subscription plans: Business, Sales, and Recruitment. Compared to other platforms, the cost of this plan depends on the features and tools you need. However, the monthly fees for LinkedIn Premium can be high for some users, especially for personal use. Coupon code discounts are not offered, so there are not many opportunities for users to reduce the price. You can still do a lot with your LinkedIn profile with the default account. For most users starting a job search or looking for their first business contact, a free account is sufficient. Like other social sites, they will depend on organic growth and distribution.


    It is difficult to point out your message: LinkedIn is a platform where many businesses compete for attention, so it can be difficult for your post to get noticed or rank high in search results. If you're not careful, your LinkedIn posts can get corrupted. If you don't rank high enough like Google does, people won't land on the first page of search results. for your company's profit, you need to create high-quality content related to the user-based. It is also active and must be attached to other users on the site. Otherwise, implement the risk of being ignored or forgotten. People prefer to cooperate with trusted professional contacts and Linkedin members.


    You don't get responses quickly: If you are looking for work, you can create authority and confidence by including your employment history in your Linkedin profile. With a premium account, you can get more information if you are not satisfied with the free account permits. Unlike other social media sites, a free account has a limit on the number of messages that attract attention.


    Spams in sales: One of the biggest concerns for platform users is that spam accounts are skyrocketing, clogging inboxes and news feeds, and wasting time on suspicious bait.


    Safety: In addition, big data companies such as LinkedIn are prime targets for cyber attacks. If you want to be successful on LinkedIn, you must disclose a lot of sensitive personal information, such as Employment record, contact information, date of birth, email address, etc. A website hack can put all of your sensitive personal information into the hands of Cyber criminals. Thankfully, LinkedIn has invested a lot of resources to prevent this from happening, but the risk remains.

  1. The best 4 LinkedIn statistics of companies in 2022

    1. Per day 2 new accounts are created: This means that the LinkedIn market is more limited, but the network continues to grow with certain types of social traffic. Given their overall career orientation, we can only conclude that most of these new hires are career oriented. They include job seekers etc
    2. Linkedin has a higher level of senior influential people around 90 million:These influencers are the thought leaders in the company. They help others get an idea of what to buy, read and consume in a business context. Of course, many of them are also top business executives.
    3. Linkedin has 65 million decision makers: According to LinkedIn population statistics, 10 % or 20% of LinkedIn users have a specific business decision. Even if there are no high-level decisions, low-level human resources employees can have a significant impact on corporate management and products or services bought. After all, there are many commercial tools that can be used by those who make employment decisions.
    4. In B2B sales, 80 % of the quality views related to social networks come from Linkedin: Many executives use Linkedin as a source of research, so it's not surprising discoveries in Linkedin's advertising statistics. In a few minutes, hired experts can read industry trends, innovative leather, and popular commercial products. When consuming both contents here, it is not surprising that the determined manufacturer clicks on this link or quotes Linkedin as an estimated source in sales speech.



    If you want to grow your network, manage your online reputation, grow your business, drive valuable social traffic to your website, or find and develop leads, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for your business. Even if you spend more time on other social networks, you should build a LinkedIn page for your business and explore these possibilities. The target group of each company is unique. You can see there is a lot of engagement on LinkedIn.