The 5 do’s for On-Page SEO
Statisticians have identified 200 factors that Google uses to rank websites. Out of this, those that are controllable mostly come within On-Page SEO. You can find the five ways in which you can improve On-page SEO discussed below.
Meta titles refer to the primary titles that can be found on your page. You must make sure to keep these titles in line with the niche of your business. When you do this, you are enabling the search engine’s scanning process to be more effective. This effective scanning will help rank the website higher on the search engine.
Meta Description: You can view the meta description as the next step after your meta titles. When you modify your meta description so that it resembles the meta titles and your niche, then viola! The search engine ranks you higher on the first page. Google, in particular, also displays your meta description on search results. Thus, it is more likely that your target customers can find you more easily.
We have discussed in earlier blogs how organised and hierarchical content is important. This can be enabled by adding appropriate heading tags in HTML. You must make sure to keep these tags focused on the overall idea of your page. It could be the deliverables of your business or the major theme of your website. This can help you take SE optimisation to the next level.
Did you know that you can optimise SEO with the help of your URLs as well? Here again, you need to focus on the keywords that get displayed in your URL. If they fall in line with the website’s niche or genre, then the search engines will rank you higher.
Finally, pay attention to the content of your page too. This is the main body, and it holds all the needs of the visitor. It is the content that plays a huge role in terms of conversion rate and also revisits.
With these five factors of On-page SEO, you can become “first on Google’ and keep your place there too.