How COVID 19 has changed the digital space | RepuNEXT
Coronavirus has led us to a path where the whole world is turning digital. From our daily chores to our workspace, everything is getting digitalized. Before coronavirus, the digital space was mainly people scrolling down their social media during their free time; however, after the Pandemic hit, the digital area was expanded to a great extent. The Pandemic and the worldwide lockdown led us to understand and interpret the purpose of the digital space and how it can be utilized to benefit all. This blog will go through some of the changes or developments the digital space has gone through in the past two years.
The virtual world or Metaverse
The Pandemic led to technological development, which has now led us to create a virtual world or Metaverse, as Mark Zuckerberg called it. This is a topic that not many people fully understand and are a little apprehensive about, while the others are excited to see what it would look like.
The shift in the 9-5 work culture
As the digital space grew in the last two years, most of the work shifted digitally, and a work from home setting was established, which declined the 9-5 work culture. The freelancing sector grew tremendously, and the people who had a 9-5 job shifted their work digitally and demanded a work from home policy.
Educational institutions went digital.
All the educational institutions went digital during the lockdown period, expanding the digital space. All the children were now stuck to their screens for an extended period. The institutions took several initiatives to make the classes and lessons more immersive and interactive. Going digital also saved them costs that they incurred during regular schooling.
To conclude, the points mentioned above are why the digital space has expanded and is continuously changing to be a more immersive and interactive space for individuals. The digital space still hasn’t reached its full potential and has a long way to go. The Pandemic laid opportunities for people to expand their business digitally.