SEO is also known as Search Engine Optimization. It is one of the most prolific tools that is used by any website to ensure that they rank higher in the search results of a search engine. SEO is main keywords or Meta keywords that have a higher capacity to bring a search result to the top of the list. This will mean that the ranking of the site in the search engine will increase. If there is a higher ranking, then it also means that there are chances for more people to use that website. Thus, it is suggested to make use of SEO-optimized keywords while writing content as it will gain a higher rank.
An On-Page SEO is also called On-Site SEO. It is a method of optimizing the contents of a web page by making use of a particular keyword. This will improve the search visibility of the page along with increasing visitors and inbound traffic for the site. To do an On-Page SEO the page must have specific tags, internal links, keywords, content, and heading.
On-Page SEO deals with the traffic, page speed, and website speed. It also has its impact on site structure, schema, and indexing which if done properly will enable the site to get a better ranking. On-Page SEO is also highly dependent on the URL that it uses. Some of how URLs can be made effective are as follows:
- Make use of a keyword:
A primary keyword in the URL will aid in making the search engine understand the major crux of the content and place it on an appropriate site. Along with that, with the right keyword, a user will also be able to locate the resources they require effectively.

- Use real words:
It is always beneficial to make use of real keywords over some artificially generated words as they will instantly be able to connect with the requirements of the search engine and then offer the best result possible. As most of the users use keywords that are common in daily language, making use of the same will also enable the content of the website or webpage to rank higher.
- Avoid session IDs:
If it is possible, it is recommended that session IDs remain avoided in the URL. This is because they create an avalanche of all the URLs on the same page. It has been recommended by many search engines that cookies are put to use over session IDs. Cookies are more beneficial than others.
- Make use of short URLs:
For better results, it is recommended that a URL is kept short and crisp as it will be easy for the search engine to make use of. Along with that, a short URL will also be easy for the user of the website to comprehend the contents of the sites in a better manner. It is the major task of On-Page SEO to ensure that the contents are produced in such a way that the search engine comprehends it easily. Only then will it be possible for ranking in the higher-order.