Animation Techniques That a Website Should Use.
Why use animation on your website?
One of the disruptive innovations in technology is animation. People love illusion; anything that is appealing to the eye attracts them.
Animation is all about creating magic. The animation in web UI design starts from full-screen moving images, hover effects, GIFs and many more.
Animation has a lot of benefits for using on a website:
- The animated website promotes your brand, and people will acknowledge your company all over the globe.
- Animation has the potential to keep engaging the visitor for an extended period.
- It provides a better experience for the user by making it userfriendly.
- It also helps to increase the sales rate.
Different animation techniques are used in website design.
These web animation techniques can help you create an impressive website design for the users.
1. Navigation
Navigation is one of the typical animations used on the website. Users must click on the icon to be directed to the next step. Some of the benefits of navigation animation:
- UX design will become organized.
- Users find it easy to use.
- Guide a customer while searching for an item.
- Web pages become handy.
2. Hover animation
Hover animation assists in simplifying the navigation experience.
The CSS website animations are created with Javascript to provide feedback on user performance.
Elevation animations are used on mobile to create the same effect.
3. Creative effects
The creative effect allows adding unique features to a better design. It also attracts visitors with its user-friendly digital experience.
If you want to make your website stand out, apply creative effects.
4. Dynamic background
The dynamic background maintains a balance between the content and distracting content. The content should be per the context so that UX design doesn’t look heavier.
A dynamic background creates an emotional bonding with the customer.
5 Progression
A good website loading time is less than 2 seconds, so if you want to make a comfortable loading time, use Progression animation.
Progression will add fun to keep them engaged. Overall leaving a better experience is one of the mottos of the animation.
6. Transaction without hard cuts
A transaction on a site should be smooth without any hard cuts. Hard cuts can cause difficulties like too fast transactions, which can be frustrating for a user.
Animation can sort out this problem. Just clicking a link will lead to a different section and still be on the same page.
7. Skeleton screens
You may have noticed on some websites a blank section to add information.
Here animation can help to engage the user while information is being loaded. Waiting time can bore the users.
8. Galleries and slideshows
Sliding allows experiencing many images at a time. Before using this technique, note that too many pictures can create an irritating experience for the visitor.
Final takeaway
Whether your business is old or new, big or small, animation can enhance the user’s experience. Animation makes your website more entertaining, which increases sales.
Sometimes animation can leave adverse effects, exceptionally if it’s not executed correctly. Poorly made animation can slow down the loading speed of a website or can confuse the visitors leaving a wrong impression on the website.
A web designer should maintain a proper balance; too many features can make a website chaotic and distractive.
If you want to increase your traffic to the website, animation is the best tool. Small animations like hover effects, highlighting, colour changing on clicks, and zoom effects; leaves an aesthetic impression on the website.
- What is large animation?
Ans: Large animations contain scale. They occupy a vital portion of the screen. They are available in the form of movies or big images.
- What are the different types of interface animations available in the industry?
Ans: Popular interface animation available in the industry are
- Flowchart animation
- Decorative animation
- Explanatory animation
- Microinteractions animations
- Suggest some latest web technologies used in animation.
Ans: Different web technologies used in creating an animation like:
- WebGL
- Canva
- Javascript